lördag 31 oktober 2020

10 years anniversary merch

10 years anniversary motif designed by Stiv. Printed by Mangel Production.

The 10 years celebration kind of went down the toilet due the Covid situation. We still wanna do a mark to it though. Order some of our new Merch, and help us clear out some old stuff if you like. We are extremely great full for all the support though out the years. 10 years!! Then 10 more fucking years! Up the Punx!

Shirts from @no_sweat_uk support for a great cause! ❤️đŸ–€

Order via:


tisdag 14 april 2020


CANCELLED! Like everything else nowadays our mini-tour to England is cancelled. We were beyond stoked to pop on over to play both MPF and a show in London by our favourites South London Scum. But as the world is right now it's neither possible nor the sensible thing to do. Stay safe everyone, stay healthy and show solidarity with one another. Shows and social gatherings will ensue and we will get through together. But for now, support your struggling venues, organisers and artists as best possible.

Forever mangeling for freedom!