torsdag 25 augusti 2022

Dödsreveljen, 10 track 12", Coming soon!

Athwart the door to release! Cross your fingers for a speedy pressing and our new album will be upon us soon enough! Can’t explain the feeling of finally being done with this epic project that has been thwarted by the pandemic and a whole slew of other shit. But it’s done and we couldn’t be happier and more proud with the result! Can’t wait to share it with all of you! Amazing artwork by Sonia Lord.

Will be released by:
Not Enough Records (Sweden)
Phobia Records (Czech Republic)

måndag 14 mars 2022

Recording Dödsreveljen


New album in the making!

I think we can all agree on that the last couple of years have been pretty rough on all of us. Live shows feel like a thing in the past and even though we haven't been able to mangel with you guys for a while now, we've been working on a new album to the best of our abilities. 

We needed somewhere to direct our anger, frustration and desperation. That made the decision pretty simple. A new album with the songs written over this period. 

We've recorded all the drums, and are well on our way with the rest of the instruments and vocals. It's probably going to be a somewhat different record but fear not, a steamroller like none other. We're super excited to be soon able be able to present it to you. Stay tuned for more information and on the progress of Dödsreveljen, and we can't wait til' the day we can play it live together with you guys!

In the meantime here's a couple of photos of our ugly mugs d-beating in the rehearsal space!

A//E - Crutches