Back from Japan

Back from the FIGHT THE PLAGUE - Japan Rat Raid!

Awesome time thanx to the great help and support from the awesome Nori and Ico Rakko Distro and all in Life for putting this all on, with the help of so many great people we had the pleasure to meet on this trip! Super nice to have the support from our dear friends Love and Cilija, super great time we had.

Thank you all and Domo arigatou to the Osaka punks, Namba Bears-crew, Ferocious X, assembrage and Disturd, Okazaki punks, BOPPERS owner and crew, Proletariat, Not A Name Soldiers, Acute and Picnic, Tokyo punks, Shinjuku Antiknock-crew, Reality crisis, Poikkeus, Defuse and Ulcer, Live&Pub Moonstep-crew, Bumped His Head, Unarm and Voĉo Protesta, and again last but not least LIFE for being such amazing people and taking care of us, Abe for driving us around and putting up with our craziness. So much love for all the help, support and being who you are.
